The Role of Sex Chromosomes in Sexual Development

Sex chromosomes play a crucial role in sexual development across many species, including humans. In mammals like us, individuals typically have two sex chromosomes: X and Y. The presence or absence of the Y chromosome determines whether an embryo develops as male or female.

  1. Male Development (XY): If an embryo inherits an X chromosome from the mother and a Y chromosome from the father, it develops as male. The Y chromosome carries the SRY gene (Sex-determining Region Y), which triggers the development of male characteristics.
  2. Female Development (XX): If an embryo inherits an X chromosome from both parents (one from the mother and one from the father), it develops as female. In this case, the absence of the Y chromosome results in female sexual development.

Beyond mammals, sex determination systems vary widely in other species. For instance, some reptiles and fish have temperature-dependent sex determination, while birds have a ZW system where females are ZW and males are ZZ. Understanding these variations helps scientists explore the evolutionary and developmental aspects of sexual determination.


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